Solar Rebate WA

Solar Rebate in Western Australia

Solar systems offer clean energy whilst helping you save on your electric bills. Apart from those benefits, did you know you can also take advantage of government incentives?

Despite the substantially reduced costs over the years, solar prices have always been a deterrent for many households and businesses. Unfortunately, WA does not have other solar incentives, unlike in other areas, such as the Home and Business Battery Scheme in the Northern Territory or Victoria’s Solar Panel PV Incentive.

But don’t worry. To encourage Australians to choose solar, Western Australia residents can get incentives through Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs) and Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs). And don’t forget about the electricity savings you gain with solar. Sunny Perth has over 8 hours of average sunlight per day, which can help you get a quick return on your investment.

perth skyline

Eligible customers may also be qualified for the Distributed Energy Buyback Scheme (DEBS). This program offers export payment for electricity exported to the grid from rooftop solar, solar batteries, and even electric vehicles.

The stcs for wa residents are among the most significant incentives to go solar

How Much is the Solar Rebate in Western Australia?

Solar rebates in WA can vary from one household to another. A few factors affect how much your rebate will be, including the size of your system, the energy you produce and use, and the excess electricity you give back to the grid. The market prices can also dictate your rebate, which can range from $2000 to $3,500 for a 6.6kW solar system. You can expect a much larger rebate if you have a bigger system. For a more detailed estimate, please get in touch with our customer support.

The solar panel financial incentive is issued in Small-Scale Technology Certificates or STCs. One STC can carry a monetary value that fluctuates based on market value and other factors. Typically, however, each STC is around $34 to $40.

The STCs for WA residents are among the most significant incentives to go solar. Please note that the solar panel rebate will soon be ending. Each year, this solar rebate reduces, as well. That’s why we encourage you to invest in solar power, especially if you look forward to maximising your rebate savings. The best time to install solar in WA is now.

What are Solar STCs?

What are STCs?

Small-Scale Technology Certificates, better known as STCs, are one of Australia’s two federal government incentives. STCs are awarded to individuals who have chosen to install solar panels for their homes.
Before you can get STCs, you must first follow a few guidelines, such as:

  • Your solar system should be installed a year before you apply and claim your STCs.
  • Parts and accessories of your solar system must be Clean Energy Council-approved.
  • All parts should meet strict Australian standards.
  • Installation should comply with electrical safety requirements as dictated by the local, state, and federal governments.
  • Ensure that you only hire a Clean Energy Council-accredited designer, retailer, and installer.
  • Your solar system size should be at most 100kW.
  • Your annual electrical output should not go beyond 250MWh for you to claim STCs.

So, how much can you claim? It depends on the supply and demand in the market, but the value will stay under $41 for every certificate.

How is the Government Helping?

What Solar Rebates Are Available In Perth?

Given the rising costs of electric bills, solar is indeed a smart move. And thanks to government rebates in WA, installing solar has become more attractive than ever. The goal is to help homeowners afford the costs of panels and installation. In addition, you could earn money when you sell your excess energy back to the grid.

By investing in solar, you can save money in three different ways. The first is through the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). It is true that solar rebates in WA are not as abundant as in other states and territories. But you can actually get bigger incentives than other locations. That’s because the more power your solar generates, the higher the rebate. With WA receiving more sunshine hours, you can enjoy a larger debate than, say, Victoria.

Given the rising costs of electric bills, solar is indeed a smart move. And thanks to government rebates in WA, installing solar has become more attractive than ever. The goal is to help homeowners afford the costs of panels and installation. In addition, you could earn money when you sell your excess energy back to the grid.

By investing in solar, you can save money in three different ways. The first is through the Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). It is true that solar rebates in WA are not as abundant as in other states and territories. But you can actually get bigger incentives than other locations. That’s because the more power your solar generates, the higher the rebate. With WA receiving more sunshine hours, you can enjoy a larger debate than, say, Victoria.

perth boathouse on river

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solar on apartment building

What Is The Distributed Energy Buyback Scheme (DEBS)?

The Distributed Energy Buyback Scheme (DEBS) provides eligible customers with payments for the electricity they export to the grid. This includes energy from rooftop solar PV systems, batteries, and electric vehicles.

The DEBS pricing structure incentivises households to use or store solar energy during midday when it is abundant. It also encourages the installation of west-facing panels to generate electricity later in the day, aligning with higher electricity demand in the evening.

What Are the DEBS rates in WA?

The Distributed Energy Buyback Scheme (DEBS) offers time-of-export payments, reflecting electricity costs at different times of the day. Higher rates are paid for electricity exported during late afternoon and evening when demand and wholesale costs are higher.

DEBS rates as of 1 July 2024:

For Synergy customers:

  • Peak (3pm to 9pm): 10 cents/kWh
  • Off-peak (9pm to 3pm): 2 cents/kWh

These rates encourage using solar energy during the day and installing west-facing panels to generate more energy when demand is high. This helps integrate renewable energy into the grid while maintaining reliability and security.

Who is eligible for DEBS?

Eligible customers include:

  • Residential customers consuming no more than 50MWh of electricity annually.
  • Schools, universities, and other educational institutions.
  • Non-profit organisations.

Eligibility for renewable energy systems:

  • Generating capacity between 500W and 5kW.
  • A 6.6kW solar PV system with a 5kVa inverter is considered to have a 5kW capacity.

There is no size limit on home or electric vehicle batteries. However, retailers are only required to provide buyback payments for up to 50 kWh per day per premises, exceeding what a 5kW solar PV system typically generates daily.

perth solar roofs

What Is A
Feed-in Tariffs?

Feed-in Tariffs (FiTs) are tariffs paid to you if you export your excess power to the grid. Like most energy providers, Synergy pays a few cents for each kilowatt-hour (kWh) you give back to the network. This payment comes in the form of a credit on your electricity bill.

The government once offered a FiT up to 60c per kWh. Unfortunately, this program no longer exists for new installations. It is now replaced by a FiT that you negotiate with your energy provider.

In order for you to know how much your FiTs are worth, you need to talk to your electricity retailer. The rate also depends on the wholesale electricity price. If you live in Perth or the southeast metropolitan area, the current FiT is between 2.75c to 10c per kWh. Regional areas with Horizon Energy as their electricity retailer have tariffs worth 3c to 10c per kWh. Also, note that the best time to export is between 3 PM and 9 PM.

If you are not considering getting solar batteries, make sure you benefit from feed-in tariffs to gain passive income from your solar system.

Get a Quote For Solar In WA Today!

Going green, especially with electricity, is often easier said than done. The process can be complex, but not when you have experienced professionals who are always ready to serve. Aus Energy Solar can help make your transition from traditional to clean, green energy. Start your journey right away by contacting our friendly team today!


    WA Solar Rebate FAQs

    The amount you can save with the solar rebate depends on the size of your solar power system and the current value of Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs). On average, you can save several thousand dollars on the cost of a solar system installation.

    Unfortunately, there are currently no state or federal rebates for solar batteries. The rebates are only available on panels, systems & the buyback scheme.

    The solar rebate application process is usually handled by the solar installation company. They will provide you with the necessary paperwork and guide you through the process. Once your system is installed and inspected, the rebate amount will be deducted from your total installation cost.